How To Add Products To Cart Programatically In Prestashop

Using the code which will be provided in this tutorial you will be able to add products to cart progrmatically. To achive this functionality you need to know the product id and attributes id, anyway I will show you how to get them too. id_product_attribute is the attribute of the product if any is available,… Continue reading How To Add Products To Cart Programatically In Prestashop

How To Set Order Status Id Programatically In Prestashop

If you create orders programtically from backend, at a certain step you will need to add an order status to the order depending on the payment method selected. For instance if the client choose to pay by bank wire the status order in admin should be: Awaiting Bank wire check or something like that, in… Continue reading How To Set Order Status Id Programatically In Prestashop

How To Change Order Status Id Programatically In Prestashop

If you need to change order status id programtically for an order you need to complete few steps but nothing very complicated, you only need the order id where the status will be changed and the new status id you need to change. In the below code we will change the status for order which… Continue reading How To Change Order Status Id Programatically In Prestashop

How To Get Order Status ID In Prestashop

In this tutorial I will show you how to get order status id for a certain module, I mean let’s say you have installed as payment method the bank wire, when the client will pay using bank wire you will have to add an id to the order status. We are talking here about programatically… Continue reading How To Get Order Status ID In Prestashop

How To Get Default Language In Prestashop

In the following I will add the function through which you can get the default language in prestashop. Id of the default language is saved in the database in configuration table, so as you maybe already know, to get the default language in prestashop you have to use the following line of code: $lang =… Continue reading How To Get Default Language In Prestashop

How To Create A Form Using Helper Form In Prestashop

You can create a form in prestashop using multiple methods and today we will talk about how to create a form using helper form in prestashop. This method is the most advanced because using this method you will be able to add dropdown for multi-language website, I will show in you in the upcoming tutorials… Continue reading How To Create A Form Using Helper Form In Prestashop

How To Trigger Error In DropZone From Backend PHP

If you already used dropzone or you are tring to implement it in your website you will notice that you can’t trigger error in the dropzone. In this tutorial I will show you how to trigger error messages in dropzone from your controller in php. For this example we will use the following dropzone html… Continue reading How To Trigger Error In DropZone From Backend PHP

How To Get Base Path In Prestashop In Controller and TPL files

In this tutorial I will show you a easy method to get base path in controller and template files, using the following method you will have all control you need on your code, so you can add what changes you need to the url anytime you need. The easiest way to get the base path… Continue reading How To Get Base Path In Prestashop In Controller and TPL files

How To Upload Images Through Ajax In Prestashop

In this tutorial I will show you how to upload images through ajax in prestashop, this is not hard to achive you have to take few things in account in order to make this functionality to work. I posted a tutorial about how to save data through ajax in prestashop you can check it if… Continue reading How To Upload Images Through Ajax In Prestashop

How To Get Files From Input Type File Using jQuery

Even if it sounds like a very simple task sometimes can take you a lot of times if you don’t know the right way to get files from input type file using jquery. In this short tutorial I will show you the right way to get files from an input and store them in order… Continue reading How To Get Files From Input Type File Using jQuery