How to Create WordPress Custom Admin Page Without Plugin

In this tutorial we will create a new page in wordpress admin from scratch without using any plugin. This is the better way to create a new custom page in admin because you have full control and you can add any design you want and implement any functionality you want. Create WordPress Custom Admin Page… Continue reading How to Create WordPress Custom Admin Page Without Plugin

How To CSS Rotate Element On Scroll Using ScrollMagic

In this tutorial I will show a very easy method to animate any element on scroll using scroll magic. Scrollmagic is the best library out there you can use to animate your website based on scroll action. It’s very easy to use and its documentation is very well done. First of all make sure you… Continue reading How To CSS Rotate Element On Scroll Using ScrollMagic

How To Get Posts In WordPress by Repeater Value

In this tutorial we will get all posts from a custom post type which have a certain key and value from a repeater acf field. To do this we will create a custom function where we will check what we need in order to get the rights posts.  Get Posts In WordPress by Repeater Value… Continue reading How To Get Posts In WordPress by Repeater Value

How To Deal With WP Ajax Response 0 Error

I am sure many of you get this error when you try to implement a new ajax in wordpress. Even if all your ajax code is right, you still get the error in console or in network tab. It’s annoying because anything you try still get the same ajax response.  WP Ajax Response 0 In… Continue reading How To Deal With WP Ajax Response 0 Error

How To Make Programmatically WordPress Login PHP

In this tutorial we will try to programmatically login user using PHP. This functionality is usefull when you create a custom registration form and after registration you auto login the user in his account. Or if you want to register user account for an easy login. Programmatically WordPress Login PHP In order to successfully autologin… Continue reading How To Make Programmatically WordPress Login PHP

How to Create Image Gallery With jQuery and magnificPopup

Maybe the easiest way to create an image gallery with jquery is using magnifc popup because with just few lines of code you will be able to create a nice image gallery with pagination buttons and fully compatible with all major browsers.  To be able to implement this functionality you will have to download magnific… Continue reading How to Create Image Gallery With jQuery and magnificPopup

How To Validate Contenteditable Based On Value

Contenteditable is a pretty new feature which allow you to transform any html element like div, td, th, p, span and so on in a textarea. You can use this feature in all major browsers and with few lines of jquery you can manipulate in any way the value from the div. Also you can… Continue reading How To Validate Contenteditable Based On Value

How to Make Animated Counter Using jQuery

In this tutorial I will show you how to implement a custom animated counter using just html css and jquery, no plugin. To achieve this functionality we will have to get the jquery library and add it to the website, and create 3 new files. index.html, style.css and main.js Animated Counter Using jQuery steps: First… Continue reading How to Make Animated Counter Using jQuery

How To Create Menu For Polylang WordPress

Polylang is a WordPress plugin which can help your website to be multi language. This plugin is not the best choice if you want full control of the site but for a free plugin it is more than good. It’s very easy to install just go in the plugins section and search for Polylang, install… Continue reading How To Create Menu For Polylang WordPress

How To Import Database Using SSH Linux CentOS

In this tutorial we will import a database using ssh in linux centos. To do that you will have to locate your wp-config.php file and open it. In this file you should find the db name, db user, db password and other things which help wordpress to work, but for this tutorial we need only… Continue reading How To Import Database Using SSH Linux CentOS