How To Click Through an Overlay jQuery – Part 2

In the last tutorial we talked about one method with which you can click through an overlay by jquery or other structure. As I said in the part one of this tutorial that method where you use css to achive this is not so good because you don’t have that much control about the element… Continue reading How To Click Through an Overlay jQuery – Part 2

How To Click Through an Overlay jQuery

Sometimes doe to the requirements of a project you need to implement a functionality when you need to click through an overlay to get the element behind that overlay, this can be achived in many ways but for me only one method worked. As I said there are a lot of methods to do that,… Continue reading How To Click Through an Overlay jQuery

itemAdded issue Bootstrap tags

To the current project I am working on I had to add this functionliaty, and let the users add their owns tags when they need. All the implementation of this plugin was a success I implemented the itemAdded event too, but when I tested the predefined tags I saw this event is triggered even if… Continue reading itemAdded issue Bootstrap tags

How to add tags functionality to text input

Once in a while you need to implement a tag functionlity, where you will be able to add any tag you need then send it by a form or ajax in a server side to save it in a database. In this article I will show you how I did when I had to implement… Continue reading How to add tags functionality to text input

How to decode HTML characters in variable

Let’s say you get some JSON response back and it has a lot of HTML characters. You need to decode HTML characters to normal text in order to append the new value to front end. The following JSON response is an example of html characters you could recieve from php. { “message”: “We're unable to… Continue reading How to decode HTML characters in variable

Categorized as HTML, jQuery

jQuery AJAX Call – How To Implement WordPress Ajax For Blog Posts

It’s not that hard to implement a simple jquery ajax call in your wordpress to get a post by its id for instance. In the following we will make this functionality from scratch, to implement this we will need to create a new file in our theme root folder: ajax.php, then, in this file we… Continue reading jQuery AJAX Call – How To Implement WordPress Ajax For Blog Posts

jQuery Slider – How to implement a jQuery Slider

In this example we will use slick slider because is fully responsive and is very customizable you can move arrows/dots when you need with built in functionality, or you can create your own html for arrows and so on. Basically all you need to initialize the slick slider is the following line of code  jQuery(element).slick();… Continue reading jQuery Slider – How to implement a jQuery Slider

Change URL without refresh jquery – history.pushState

Even if you make a website with ajax or you have to add a string in the url when you activate a tab by javascript, you need to do this manually.  One method would be hashtag, to add a hastag to url you have to use the following line of javascript: window.location.hash = ‘tutorial’; If… Continue reading Change URL without refresh jquery – history.pushState

Animated Drop Down Menu CSS3 Transitions

Nowadays more and more peoples browses the internet on mobile phones so we have to create the perfect environment and few some nice aniations will increase the change for that visitor to come back to your website. To achieve the effect that I am talking about we will use html, css and jquery toggle. We… Continue reading Animated Drop Down Menu CSS3 Transitions

Hamburger menu CSS and jQuery – Drop Down Menu

Nowadays there is no website if it is not responsive. Among the first things you have to do is to make a responsive menu for your website. On desktop you can let the menu as a list, but on the smaller devices you can’t do this because you do not have that much space, so… Continue reading Hamburger menu CSS and jQuery – Drop Down Menu