How To Generate PDF File In Symfony

For this tutorial we will use Dompdf as pdf library. Although there are many PDF libraries out there, this is one of the best because is very easy to implement in your project. To generate your first PDF with thi library you will need to create a new folder and inside it we will create the… Continue reading How To Generate PDF File In Symfony

How To Make Sortable Drag and drop Using Doctrine Symfony

In order to implement this functionality you will need a jquery plugin to make the drag and drop functionality to work. For this tutorial I will use jquery ui the sortable plugin. Theoretically we must take the next steps do implement this functionality. Create the list with all posts/list you need to sort. Create a… Continue reading How To Make Sortable Drag and drop Using Doctrine Symfony

How To Use DAY, MONTH, YEAR Functions In Doctrine Symfony

If you want to use these functions in symfony dotrine you need to know that these functions does not come when you install doctrine. So you will have to install an extension for doctrine in order to know what should do when you insert the code in your repository. To install the extension go to… Continue reading How To Use DAY, MONTH, YEAR Functions In Doctrine Symfony

How To Paste Image On Textarea With jQuery

In this tutorial I will show you how you can upload by ajax an image after you paste it on textarea using jquery. Is very useful this feature because you don’t lost any time when it comes to send files to other person. Especially when you do a printscreen using windows tool, you just copy… Continue reading How To Paste Image On Textarea With jQuery