How To Generate PDF File In Symfony

For this tutorial we will use Dompdf as pdf library. Although there are many PDF libraries out there, this is one of the best because is very easy to implement in your project. To generate your first PDF with thi library you will need to create a new folder and inside it we will create the… Continue reading How To Generate PDF File In Symfony

How To Make Sortable Drag and drop Using Doctrine Symfony

In order to implement this functionality you will need a jquery plugin to make the drag and drop functionality to work. For this tutorial I will use jquery ui the sortable plugin. Theoretically we must take the next steps do implement this functionality. Create the list with all posts/list you need to sort. Create a… Continue reading How To Make Sortable Drag and drop Using Doctrine Symfony

How To Use Redis As Session Handler For Ratchet Server – Symfony

In order to make use of the full functionality of ratchet you will need to select a session handle in order to be able to send the current user id in the websocket server. Because you will need in the future to send some information to a specific user. To do that you will have… Continue reading How To Use Redis As Session Handler For Ratchet Server – Symfony

How to fix WordPress Wp-admin not found NGINX

If you decided to move from apache to nginx due to the speed at its disposal you will notice that some errors come up at your wordpress functionality because you need to make some settings in the configuration file of your server in nginx.  I had the same issue after installing the nginx on my… Continue reading How to fix WordPress Wp-admin not found NGINX

How to use Autobahn js to connect to the Ratchet websocket server

In order to be able to implement autobahn and websockets on your website you need to implement first of all the Ratchet server. To do that you will have to install a lot of extensions on your server to get it work. But then you need to do the client side part where you will… Continue reading How to use Autobahn js to connect to the Ratchet websocket server

How To Use DAY, MONTH, YEAR Functions In Doctrine Symfony

If you want to use these functions in symfony dotrine you need to know that these functions does not come when you install doctrine. So you will have to install an extension for doctrine in order to know what should do when you insert the code in your repository. To install the extension go to… Continue reading How To Use DAY, MONTH, YEAR Functions In Doctrine Symfony

How to add dynamically options in selectize select using ajax

In this tutorial I will show the code you need to create in order to add options to your selectize select using ajax. Even if selectize has a lot of documentation this is not easy using to implement using it maybe it more easier to implement some features if you look directly in the source… Continue reading How to add dynamically options in selectize select using ajax

How to fix 404 not found for all pages except homepage in WordPress

The error with 404 not found for all pages less hompage is often caused by a configuration that is not well done. But before think about a server issue first check if you have the .htaccess file in your wordpress instalation. To do that you have to connect using FTP, or cpanel -> file manager… Continue reading How to fix 404 not found for all pages except homepage in WordPress

How To Update Contact Form 7 Field Before Mail Sent

In this tutorial I will show you what you need to do in order to update a contact form 7 field before mail sent. I needed to implement this feature because I had to get a code from a txt file and update a certain field with the new code. How to implement a before… Continue reading How To Update Contact Form 7 Field Before Mail Sent

Nice Input Animations – Creative Form Inputs Effects

Today I will show a list of 5 nice animations for inputs from codepen. I don’t know if some of these animations can be used in a contact form for instance, because some of them are not really very intuitive but for effects are great. As you probably know there are not many ways to… Continue reading Nice Input Animations – Creative Form Inputs Effects